Investment Advice

Once you have decided on a financial plan or wealth creation strategy, the final step is to create and implement an investment plan.  This entails choosing the right products and investments to match your risk profile and investment horizon.


We use a number of investment philosophies to drive our recommendations:

Growth investments are important

Growth investments are important.  Being too conservative can be just as dangerous as being too risky.  By dangerous, we mean in terms of not meeting your investment goals: having everything sitting in cash could mean 0% chance of achieving your goals.;

We consider your attitude to risk

We consider your attitude to risk.  Everyone is different and has different goals, and therefore different attitudes to investment risk.  We ensure that you are comfortable with the level of risk undertaken.

We look for investment opportunities

We look for investment opportunities in Australia and worldwide, and analyse opportunities from major international share markets.

We use various sources of research

We use various sources of research.  We consider research from a variety of independent analysts and economists from Australia and overseas.

We invest in direct assets where possible

We invest in direct assets where possible.  This allows us to have transparency with your portfolio and to know specifically where your money is invested.  It also allows us to provide greater depth in our reviews and risk planning.

We proactively manage your money

This is an important part of the financial planning process.  We don’t simply make adjustments once and then forget about you and your long-term goals.  Instead, we regularly review all the stocks and assets you hold and ensure we are up to date with relevant news.  If changes need to be made we will not wait until you call our office: we will proactively contact you to discuss any changes that may be necessary.  Fast action means greater protection for your wealth and also greater opportunities for growth.

We buy when assets represent good value

We buy when assets represent good value.  We know that you have a much greater chance of building wealth by selecting and purchasing assets when they are temporarily under-appreciated by the market.  For example, think about banking stock during the GFC in 2008: while unappreciated at the time, most of these stocks have double or tripled in price in the past five years.  Buying good assets at bad times can be a useful strategy in managing your wealth.

elemental-wealth-management-logo8 Bridget Court

(07) 5494 0650